Ephesians 4:11-13

Apostolic Ministries: To GOVERN the body in a place of discipline and excellence to accomplish our ultimate corporate purpose. Chief Elder: Overseer Barbara Hardy


Prophetic Ministries:

To GUIDE the body into the ultimate manifestation as a perfect man, as we participate in the accomplishment of the ultimate corporate purpose. Chief Elder: Pastor Anita Glover


Evangelistic Ministries:

To GATHER the body into a place of relationship vertically and horizontally as we participate in the ultimate corporate purpose.                                                                                        Chief Elders: Elder Jonathan Rudd & Elder Kenneth Morrison


Pastoral Ministries:

To GUARD the body as we functionally minister to the needs of the congregation to achieve our ultimate purpose. Chief Elder: Overseer Barbara Hardy


Teaching Ministries:

To GROW/GROUND the Body into a place of spiritual maturity as we effectively achieve our ultimate purpose.   Chief Elder: Elder Karmin Jenkins, DIT Timmesha Shockley