Our Vision & Mission


Our Theme

“Pushing A Generation From Religion To Relationship”
Theme 2024: The Urgent Call of the Kingdom


Our Vision

To be a relevant church embracing evangelism to reach the unchurched. To create disciples through equipping, training, and empowering them to serve the community.  


Our Mission

To P.E.R.F.E.C.T the saints for the work of the ministry and to build up the Body of Christ.
Promote (P)
Promoting that there is One KINGDOM of God and this kingdom is manifested in the body of Christ.

Equip (E)
Equipping the saints with the spiritual weapons necessary to fight the good fight of faith.


Revitalize (R)
Revitalizing believers to be strong, to be encouraged, and to be inspired to walk in the newness of life.


Foster (F)
Fostering the growth and development of believers through teaching the Word of God. 


Empower (E)
Empowering believers to yield to the Holy Ghost anointing that gives power and authority.

Cultivate (C)
Cultivating believers for progression to discipleship.
Train (T)
Training believers to be led by the spirit in all aspects of life, to share the gospel throughout the world, and to demonstrate the love of Christ.